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Main Functions

Main Functions

Government R&D Program Evaluation


KISTEP surveys and analyzes R&D investments and outcomes of the public and private sectors; evaluates government R&D programs based on the surveys and analyses; and promotes the acheivements of government R&D programs
※ Legal Basis: Article 12 of Framework Act on Science and Technology, Articles 7 and 12 of Act on Performance Evaluation and Management of National Research and Development Projects, etc.

Main Area

  • Surveying and analyzing national R&D programs and activities in Korea
    • Performing surveys and analyses on government R&D programs of the previous year
    • Performing surveys on R&D activities in both the public and private sectors following OECD manuals
  • Evaluating national R&D programs and government-funded research institutes
    • Developing and providing indices for performance evaluationses; performing meta-evaluation, in-depth evaluation, and government-funded research institute evaluation
    • Developing evaluation methodologies including performance evaluation models to improve the National Evaluation System (NES)
  • Promoting the acheivements of goverment R&D programs and establishing the strategies for national intellectual property
    • Identifying ‘Top 100 National R&D Performances’ to recognize the excellence of national R&D outcomes
    • Establishing the Basic Plans on the Management and Utilization of Research Performances; examining the utilization of R&D outcomes; investigating institutes specializing performance management and distribution
    • Establishing the strategies for intellectual property and regulation reform
  • Publishing Composite S&T Innovation Index (COSTII)
    • Comparing the STI capacities of 30 OECD member states, and suggesting the policy measures to improve the innovation capacity in Korea
