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Asian Research Policy

Asian Research Policy

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Firm Size, R&D and Innovation: Evidence from India

  • Writer kistep
  • Date 2019-12-24 15:12
  • Hit1199
  • pdf 첨부파일 05_S&T Trends_Radeef Chundakkadan, Subash Sasidharan.pdf (1MB / Download 172회 / Preview:2)
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S&T Trends

Firm Size, R&D and Innovation: Evidence from India

Radeef Chundakkadan, Subash Sasidharan


This study examines research and development (R&D) activities of SMEs and large firms. Using the World Bank Enterprise Survey, we find that the percentage of medium-sized firms investing in R&D activities is higher than that of small and large-size firms. Further, we explore the productivity of R&D in terms of introduction of a new product or process into the market. We find that the percentage of firms that introduced a new product or process does not vary in terms of firm size. 


SMEs; Research and Development (R&D); Innovation

