Main Functions
Main Functions
Government R&D Budget Allocation and Coordination
KISTEP aims to provide the outlays of government R&D budget allocation for strategic investments in government R&D programs, and sets the directions and standards for government R&D investments. Also, KISTEP devises investment strategies for S&T policies and technologies in line with changing global landscapes.
※Legal Basis : Article 12 of Framework Act on Science and Technology
Main Area
- Setting directions and standards for the effective government R&D investments
- Analyzing global trends in S&T policies and technological developments in order to devise strategic measures on government R&D investments
- Proposing R&D budget allocation and coordination plans for each fiscal year to reflect key government S&T policies and current issues in technological developments
- Supporting budget allocation and coordination of government R&D programs
- Drafting budget allocation and coordination plans of government R&D programs for each fiscal year by reviewing ongoing issues reflecting investment priorities of the government
- Analyzing the relation between R&D investments and their outcomes and assessing the impacts of government R&D investments