Asian Research Policy
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On-Site Personnel’s Use of Mobile Cloud Computing Applications - a Case Study of an LCD Panel Manufacturing Company
- Writer kistep
- Date 2021-02-01 15:12
- Hit821
On-Site Personnel’s Use of Mobile Cloud Computing Applications - a Case Study of an LCD Panel Manufacturing Company
Pei-Hsuan Hsieh and Chih-Hao wang
More enterprises are now integrating mobile cloud computing into their operations. This study combines
The behavioral intention then affects their use behavior and performance impact (user satisfaction).
form a new model. A questionnaire was administered to the employees of a company that has applied mobile cloud computing. The purpose is to investigate what happens when this new technology is introduced in the workplace and what the influencing factors may be.
After confirming the validity and reliability of the instrument through a pilot, 239 formal responses were collected and analyzed using descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, and structural equation modeling. It was found that employees’ perception of how well the technology fits the nature of their work positively affects their effort expectancy of the technology and their view of the task-technology fit, which in turn affects their performance impact (user satisfaction) and actual technology use. Also, employees’ behavioral intention to use this new information technology is affected by their perceived effort expectancy, performance expectancy, and facilitating conditions. The behavioral intention then affects their use behavior and performance impact (user satisfaction).