Asian Research Policy
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[KISTEP] Strategies for the National Innovation System in the Era of Post COVID-19
- Writer kistep
- Date 2021-02-01 15:16
- Hit923
Special Articles
[KISTEP] Strategies for the National Innovation System in the Era of Post COVID-19
Jang-Jae Lee
Korea is considered as an exemplary model in the fight against the disease. It means that the country
19”(CNN) and “Special Report: How Korea trounced U.S. in race to test people for coronavirus” (Reuter).
the disease and engaging in economic activities at the same time. Specifically, the fact that the
country successfully respond to COVID-19 with the aggressive testing, isolation of people confirmed with
the disease, and social distancing only without closing national or local borders was highly recognized by
the world as evidenced by reports from “What we can learn from South Korea about containing COVID-
19”(CNN) and “Special Report: How Korea trounced U.S. in race to test people for coronavirus” (Reuter).
COVID-19 is an infectious disease that has impacted on the life of humanity most significantly since
short term, but also we should prepare measures from the mid/long-term perspectives.
the 4th industrial revolution. The discussions on a new normal after COVID-19 are already made. As
noted by Thomas Freidman, an American opinion columnist and author of ‘The World is Flat: A Brief
History of the 21st Century’, the world is now divided into the world B.C. -Before Corona- and the world
A.C. -After Corona. It implies that we should not only respond to the global COVID-19 pandemic in the
short term, but also we should prepare measures from the mid/long-term perspectives.
With regard to this, this article first provides a review on discussions on the essence of socio-economic impact of COVID-19 and the roles of innovation system to move forward in the future as well as strategies to achieve the goals. innovation system to move forward in the future as well as strategies to achieve the goals.