Asian Research Policy
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[STPI NARLabs] Analysis of Energy Research Fronts by STPI
- Writer kistep
- Date 2021-02-01 15:21
- Hit825
Special Articles
[STPI NARLabs] Analysis of Energy Research Fronts by STPI
Shih-Chen Chen, Ching Lin, Chia-Hsien Yeh
This article is a revised version of the executive summary of a STPI’s 2019 report named Analysis of Energy Research Fronts, written in Chinese. The report offers a broad perspective widely recognized as valuable information about the development of scientific research. This efficiency of government resources. Research fronts in the Clarivate Analytics database are widely recognized as valuable information about the development of scientific research.
This study was conducted to identify the Top 30 (most frequently cited) energy research fronts (ERFs) extracted from 8,814 research fronts across all disciplines published by Clarivate Analytics in March 2019. The 676 core papers related to the Top 30 ERFs were elaborately discussed with analyzing their global distribution, trends in the citation, publishing institutes, and funding agencies.
Furthermore, the prominent works associated with the Top 30 ERFs were clearly delineated. The statistical results indicated that the 42.5% and 39.8% of the 676 core papers were respectively published by the USA and China research groups. However, there were only 14 core papers published by research groups of Taiwan, 5 of them accomplished by international collaborations. Finally, the Top 30 ERFs were grouped into 16 subjects for further analysis.