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Asian Research Policy

Asian Research Policy

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Chracteristics and tasks of Mission-oriented Innovation Policies in response to societal challenges

  • Writer jinwon529
  • Date 2023-01-18 11:35
  • Hit222
  • pdf 첨부파일 3. Appearance and Importance of MOIP.pdf (476KB / Download 328회 / Preview:30)
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Chracteristics and tasks of Mission-oriented Innovation Policies in response to societal challenges

Wichin Song


This paper examines the basic elements of mission-oriented innovation policies theory and the future direction

of development. It reviews the characteristics of mission-oriented innovation policies (MOIPs) in terms of their

role as a partner of civil society, an innovation actor, the government’s attainment of dynamic capability and policy

implementation system, and the creation of a new industry. Building on that, this paper studies three topics that


platform to connect and integrate suppliers and users of science and technology, and a variety of S&T activities;

3) the development of a cross-over industry and managing knowledge commons. These topics are relevant to the

characteristics of innovation activities and the formation of an industry that emerges in the progress of collective

innovation activities aiming to address societal issues.


Response to societal challenges, MOIPs, an innovation platform, knowledge commons, a cross-over industry

