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A Case Study of China's Mission-oriented Innovation Policies Based on the investigation of the development of blockchain

  • Writer jinwon529
  • Date 2023-01-27 14:47
  • Hit149
  • pdf 첨부파일 9. Case of China Case.pdf (743KB / Download 142회 / Preview:5)
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A Case Study of China's Mission-oriented Innovation Policies Based on the investigation of the development of blockchain

GUO Tengda


China has proposed that national scientific and technological expansions should be oriented toward the 

international field and global economy. The principal needs of the country as well as the public's quality of life and 

health are the primary focus of China's mission-oriented innovation policies (MOIPs). MOIPs should not only 

consider social challenges but should also concentrate on innovative and developmental policies. For more than a 

decade, the Chinese government has adhered to the regulation of virtual currency and has promoted the development 

of legal digital currency. Using consortium blockchain technology and interacting with blockchain-related industries 

has been a gradual progression. The application of blockchain technology in the financial industry has, however, 

accelerated every day. Currently, the international situation is experiencing a complex and profound transformation. 

Based on "four orientations", the Chinese government needs to explore the innovative policies and mission facing 

the new developmental stage under the MOIPs. Moreover, in the blockchain field, the following inquiries should 

be made considering these four aspects: the governance mode based on endogenous order; the application direction 

of blockchain; the methods of government participation in the blockchain system; and the pluralistic governance 



Chinese, blockchain, MOIPs

