Asian Research Policy

Asian Research Policy
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Analysis of the Influential Factors on Long-term Care with Analytic Hierarchy Process
- Writer jinwon529
- Date 2023-01-27 14:50
- Hit226
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Analysis of the Influential Factors on Long-term Care with Analytic Hierarchy Process
Le Thi Mai, Nathan Liu,Shih-Pi Lin
Our primary objective is to design a framework for long-term care in Taiwan. Herein, we try to investigate what
factors are most influencing the elderly’s long-term care. This study interviews ten experts related to long-term care in
Taiwan and applies the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method to select long-term care plans while the priorities
for criteria are considered and evaluated simultaneously. The result shows that the elderly people in Taiwan have
concerns with home care most and suggests that the government should strength family caregivers support network.
Long-term Care, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), Elderly