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Asian Research Policy

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Australia-ROK Science and Technology Collaboration and Diplomacy

  • Writer jinwon529
  • Date 2024-01-29 14:06
  • Hit217
  • pdf 첨부파일 4. Cases of Science Diplomacy_Australia - ROK Science and Technology Collaboration and Diplomacy.pdf (537KB / Download 122회 / Preview:5)
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S&T Trends

Australia-ROK Science and Technology Collaboration and Diplomacy

Australian Government Department of Industry, Science and Resources


Australia has a strong research foundation with the world’s 7th largest research publications per capita. Australia 

also has a history of producing transformative inventions including the black box flight recorder, electronic pacemaker, 

cochlear implant, and WiFi. Strategic and robust investment in research and development at the national level has 

contributed to the outcome. 

Australia has also been deeply engaged with the international system to collaborate on talent, investment, 

knowledge, and technologies from other countries. International engagement in science and technology is becoming 

more critical in the changing global and geopolitical landscape as we witness disruptions to supply chains and 

competition for critical technologies.

Australia and the Republic of Korea (RoK) enjoy a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership level relationship, and 

leaders of both countries affirmed their support for collaborative research and development in the fields of defence, 

vaccines, space, and clean technology. The Australia-RoK Joint Committee on Science and Technology (JCST) meets 

every 2 to 3 years to discuss and agree the priority areas for collaboration for the coming years. The next JCST is 

planned for early 2024.

Apart from the officials’ level dialogue, Australia also facilitates international science and technology engagement 

through various programs including the Australian Research Council’s National Competitive Grants Program 

(NGCP), Tech Bridge, Global Science and Technology Diplomacy Fund (GSTDF), and the Australia-Korea 

Foundation grants.

The RoK has strengths in certain specialisation areas where Australia does not, and it goes the same to the way 

around. This complementarity offers an opportunity to mutually leverage each other’s capability and to collaborate 

on global challenges such as technology to achieve net zero and decarbonisation.

