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Asian Research Policy

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The Transformation of China's S&T Diplomacy

  • Writer jinwon529
  • Date 2024-01-29 14:08
  • Hit125
  • pdf 첨부파일 5. Cases of Science Diplomacy_The Transformation of China’s S&T Diplomacy.pdf (337KB / Download 336회 / Preview:6)
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S&T Trends

The Transformation of China's S&T Diplomacy

Huang Ning, Xue Meihui


In recent years, China’s S&T diplomacy has undergone a gradual transformation, characterized by the expansion of 

its S&T diplomacy partnerships, adjustments in S&T diplomacy models, and the shift in China’s role and positioning 

within this sphere. This transformation is driven both by China’s increasing scientific and technological capabilities 

and evolving international relations ideologies, as well as influenced by changes in the global political landscape. The 

transformation of China’s S&T diplomacy faces several challenges, including a shortage of S&T diplomacy personnel, 

inefficient international cooperation mechanisms, and a slowdown in the trend of technological globalization. China 

must further deepen its domestic scientific and technological institutional reforms and respond appropriately to 

external pressures to overcome these challenges and pave the way for the transformation of S&T diplomacy.


S&T diplomacy; China; policy transformation

