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Asian Research Policy

Asian Research Policy

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Science diplomacy and foreign affairs: S&T cooperation from India-Germany and India-Japan

  • Writer jinwon529
  • Date 2024-01-29 14:11
  • Hit98
  • pdf 첨부파일 6. Cases of Science Diplomacy_Science diplomacy and foreign affairs.pdf (1MB / Download 270회 / Preview:5)
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S&T Trends

Science diplomacy and foreign affairs: S&T cooperation from India-Germany and India-Japan

Kasturi Mandal, Avinash Kshitij


In the globalized world, diplomatic relations have a crucial role to play. Such relations have evolved over the years 

between countries and various forms of diplomacy have emerged, Science Diplomacy being one of them which is 

envisaged to enhance relations between countries, by addressing global challenges and facilitating the exchange of 

resources in science, technology, and innovation (STI). India's foreign policy prioritises the utilisation of Science & 

Technology (S&T) to foster international cooperation. The country had established science counsellors in the Indian 

embassies at USA, Japan, Germany and Russia to foster scientific relations. In this paper we take the case of two 

countries amongst the four, Germany and Japan to understand how India had undertaken scientific relations with 

the respective countries. Along with the development of the several schemes to foster R&D in the countries for joint 

R&D, student visits, etc., bibliometric analysis with indicators to measure the productivity performance was implied 

to assess the progress of collaborative research among the countries in the study for the period 2001-2022.

