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Asian Research Policy

Asian Research Policy

Browse Issue

Science Diplomacy in Malaysia

  • Writer jinwon529
  • Date 2024-01-29 14:12
  • Hit136
  • pdf 첨부파일 7. Cases of Science Diplomacy_Science Diplomacy in Malaysia.pdf (395KB / Download 385회 / Preview:9)
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Science Diplomacy in Malaysia

Boon-Kwee Ng, Mohd Zakwan Mohd Zabidi


This article explores Malaysia's proactive engagement in science diplomacy, highlighting its innovative approaches 

and significant contributions in various domains. The article begins by elucidating the concept of science diplomacy, 

emphasising its role in facilitating dialogue and collaboration between nations to address pressing global issues. It 

underscores the importance of integrating science and diplomacy to tackle challenges such as climate change, public 

health, and energy security. The Malaysian government has embarked on a journey of international engagement by 

sharing its scientific expertise, forging research collaborations, offering international scholarships, and hosting global 

events to attract talent from around the world. This can be observed in several science diplomacy events, including its 

responses to Southeast Asia's haze episodes and its role in the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO). Malaysia's 

scientists' involvement in Antarctic research and the historic mission of sending the first Malaysian astronaut to 

the International Space Station (ISS) also illustrate its diverse contributions to global science diplomacy. Malaysia's 

proactive approach to science diplomacy underscores its commitment to addressing global challenges and fostering 

international cooperation, and its engagement in various scientific domains showcases the importance of science 

diplomacy as a tool for building bridges between nations and advancing collective efforts for a better future.

