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KISTEP Participated in Money Today Global Conference 'K.E.Y. PLATFORM 2023'

  • Writer KISTEP
  • Date2023-06-02
  • Hit393

KISTEP participated in the Money Today Global Conference 'K.E.Y. PLATFORM 2023' held at Conrad Seoul on April 27 to introduce the direction of S&T policies and top 10 emerging technologies.


Byung-Seon Jeong, President of KISTEP (Photo: Money Today)

Byung-Seon Jeong, President of KISTEP (Photo: Money Today)


President Byung-Seon Jeong delivered a presentation on the theme of "The Era of Great Transformation: Challenges and Opportunities" during the first special session, presenting 'KISTEP Think 2023, S&T Innovation Policy Direction'.


He emphasized the importance of S&T innovation policies stating, "The era of technological supremacy in which S&T dominates the world has arrived. S&T innovation policies that take into account internal and external conditions are more important than ever." He added that in order to enhance S&T competitiveness, it is necessary to expand corporate R&D investment through tax deduction and comprehensive regulatory support. "The government should increase benefits for R&D in emerging and critical technologies and 12 national strategic technologies," he added.


Furthermore, he introduced main keywords of the 'KISTEP Think 2023 Top 10 S&T Innovation Policy Agenda': Securing technological sovereignty in the era of technological hegemony Mission-oriented national R&D system transformation, and Strengthening private and region-driven innovation ecosystem.


Chang Hyun Park, Director of the Center for Technology Foresight (Photo: Money Today)

Chang Hyun Park, Director of the Center for Technology Foresight (Photo: Money Today)


Dr. Chang Hyun Park gave a presentation on the '10 Emerging Technologies in the Era of Data Security.'


The selected 10 technologies include: Integrated infrastructure security technology for utilizing auton.omous unmanned vehicles, AI-based intelligent cyber security control and automatic response technology, 5G/6G network security technology, Manufacturing (industry) supply chain and system security vulnerability diagnosis automation technology, Functional encryption and application technology such as homomorphic encryption for privacy-enhancing data safety utilization, User protection and security technology in virtual environment such as Metaverse, Quantum cryptography technology for absolute data security in quantum age, Cyber crime prevention and tracking technology that abuses new digital technology, Cloud · edge security technology for utilizing a secure virtualization environment, and Cryptocurrency reliability assurance technology for safe digital economy utilization.


"A total of around 100 technologies were selected through expert evaluations to respond to the data security era," said Dr. Park. "The number of recommendations and evaluation index scores were reviewed, and the 10 emerging technologies were selected through internal discussion."


Dr. Park emphasized the need to concentrate investments on AI-based intelligent cyber security control and automatic response technology and 5G/6G network security technology, where Korea has a strong influence. He also highlighted the importance of government support for data security technology, where Korea has relatively lower competitiveness in terms of research papers and patents.


Panel Discussion (Photo: Money Today)

Panel Discussion (Photo: Money Today)


During the panel discussion presided over by President Jeong, Taco van Someren, Vice President of PAL-V, Victor Johansson, AgTech 2030 Project Leader, and other overseas experts had an in-depth discussion.

