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News & Event

2022 Carbon Neutrality Technology Innovation Conference

  • Writer KISTEP
  • Date2023-01-27
  • Hit407

The Ministry of Science and ICT(MSIT, Minister Jong Ho Lee) and KISTEP held the '2022 Carbon Neutrality Technology Innovation Conference' at the Science and Technology Center in Seoul on December 14.


2022 Carbon Neutrality Technology Innovation Conference was held under the theme of ‘Technology Innovation for 2050 Carbon Neutrality’ to share carbon neutrality vision, strategies and the new government’s policies among industry, academia and research institutes.


▲ Chang Hyun Park, Director of Center for Technology Foresight at KISTEP

Chang Hyun Park, Director of Center for Technology Foresight at KISTEP


The program was hosted by Dr. Chang Hyun Park, Director of the Center for Technology Foresight at KISTEP, starting with the congratulatory remarks of Sang-hyup Kim, Co-chair of the Presidential Commission on Carbon Neutrality and Green Growth, and Woo Il Lee, Vice-president of the Presidential Advisory Council on Science and Technology.


▲ Congratulatory remark by Co-chair Sang-hyup Kim of the Presidential Commission on Carbon Neutrality and Green Growth

Congratulatory remark by Co-chair Sang-hyup Kim of the Presidential Commission on Carbon Neutrality and Green Growth


Co-chair Sang-hyup Kim of the Presidential Commission on Carbon Neutrality and Green Growth said “Climate change has a direct impact on our daily lives and global economy. Close cooperation is required at the national level to achieve science and technology innovation for zero emissions,” in his congratulatory remark.


▲ Congratulatory remark by Vice-president Woo Il Lee of the Presidential Advisory Council on Science and Technology

Congratulatory remark by Vice-president Woo Il Lee of the Presidential Advisory Council on Science and Technology


Vice-president Woo Il Lee of the Presidential Advisory Council on Science and Technology said, “the Presidential Advisory Council on Science and Technology will fully support the technology innovation for carbon neutrality through close cooperation with the Presidential Commission on Carbon Neutrality and Green Growth which coordinates policies regarding carbon neutrality and green growth.”


[The 1st Part]


The first part of the conference consisted of keynote speeches by Young Chang Joo, Vice Minister for Science, Technology and Innovation of MSIT and Jeong-rak Son, Adviser of Doosan Enerbility, followed by discussion with participants.


▲ Keynote Speech by Young Chang Joo, Vice Minister for Science, Technology and Innovation of MSIT

Keynote Speech by Young Chang Joo, Vice Minister for Science, Technology and Innovation of MSIT


In his keynote speech, Vice Minister Joo presented under the theme of ‘Technology Innovation Strategies for Carbon Neutrality and Green Growth’.


Vice Minister Joo pointed out the challnges of current policies such as fragmentation of R&D programs and limitations of coordination function in the government and explained the major policy directions for carbon neutrality of the new government to address the current problems.


Vice Minister Joo said, “the government is planning to establish a ‘plan to implement carbon neutrality technology innovation strategies’ gradually by dividing the areas into hydrogen, CCUS, steel, etc.” He stressed the government’s willingness to expand investment for rapid technology development in line with the strategy implementation plan. He also announced the plan to promote government-wide carbon neutrality technology development system based on cooperation between the Presidential Commission on Carbon Neutrality and Green Growth and Presidential Advisory Council on Science and Technology.

▲ Keynote speech by Jeong-rak Son, Advisor of Doosan Enerbility

Keynote speech by Jeong-rak Son, Advisor of Doosan Enerbility


In the second keynote speech, advisor Jeong-rak Son to Doosan Enerbility made a presentation under the theme of ‘Global Carbon Neutrality Technology Development Strategies and Our Tasks.’


Advisor Son introduced carbon neutrality technology innovation strategies of major countries since 2021 and argued that Korea “should establish an innovative Two Track strategy.” In particular, he emphasized that “we should disseminate existing technologies based on private-public cooperation and develop new technologies to overcome technological limitations.”


▲ Photo from 2022 Carbon Neutrality Technology Innovation Conference

Photo from 2022 Carbon Neutrality Technology Innovation Conference


In the following panel discussion, participants including Co-chair Sang-hyup Kim of the Presidential Commission on Carbon Neutrality and Green Growth, Vice-president Woo Il Lee of the Presidential Advisory Council on Science and Technology, two keynote speakers (Young Chang Joo, Vice Minister for Science, Technology and Innovation advisor Jeong-rak Son, to Doosan Enerbility), private members of the Special Committee on Carbon Neutrality Technology under the Presidential Advisory Council on Science and Technology, about 150 participants from carbon neutrality related companies, universities, research institutes and academia and President Jeong Byeong-seon of KISTEP had an in-depth discussion under the theme of ‘direction of technology innovation policy for 2050 carbon neutrality.’


[The 2nd Part]


The second part of the conference consisted of presentations by technology field. The presentation was divided into three sessions: Hydrogen CCUS (Carbon Capture·Storage·Utilization) Petrochemical Refining, followed by discussion and Q&A session with participants.

