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News & Event

2023 Government R&D Program Joint Briefing

  • Writer KISTEP
  • Date2023-01-31
  • Hit724

‘2023 Government R&D Program Joint Briefing’, hosted by the Ministry of Science and ICT and 13 ministries and organized by KISTEP, was held from January 3-5 in Seoul.


As the 2023 budget for government R&D was confirmed to be KRW 31.574 trillion, increased by 4.3% from the previous year, the joint briefing was organized for 13 ministries to explain major points and detailed implementation plan of R&D programs of each ministry and communicate with researchers in the industry, academia and research institutes.


On the first day (January 3), the Ministry of Science and ICT and the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries explained the direction and details of R&D programs this year. On the second day (January 4), the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, the Ministry of SMEs and Startups, the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency and the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety gave presentations on R&D projects and on the last day (January 5), presentations were made in the order of Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, Rural Development Administration, Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport and Ministry of Education.


Opening Remarks by Young Chang Joo, Vice Minister for Science, Technology and Innovation of MSIT

Opening Remarks by Young Chang Joo, Vice Minister for Science, Technology and Innovation of MSIT


Young Chang Joo, the Vice Minister for Science, Technology and Innovation of MSIT, said, “we should nurture national strategic technology systematically in order to respond to global technological rivalry and promote technology innovation continuously to address economic and environmental issues.” He also stressed that we should make breakthroughs with science and technology to resolve national and social issues. “We need to expand the region-driven innovation and foster S&T talents for the future,” he added.


In addition, Vice Minister Joo said, “We would like to ask scientists and engineers to make further efforts to advance our country. The Ministry of Science and ICT will try to incorporate your valuable opinion in the national R&D policy together with 40 other government ministries and agencies.”


Congratulatory remarks by Byung-Seon Jeong, President of KISTEP

Congratulatory remarks by Byung-Seon Jeong, President of KISTEP


President Byung-Seon Jeong of KISTEP said, “the government R&D budget exceeded KRW 30 trillion for the first time in history”. He pointed out investment strategies focusing on government R&D programs this year and classified program areas into 3 categories (strengthening strategic investment for 12 national strategic technologies, carbon neutrality, digital transformation and creation of outcomes that can be felt by the public such as resolution of social issues, strengthening national innovative capabilities through private-public cooperation).


President Jeong emphasized that “investment in science and technology R&D is the driving force that will lead to economic development, response to climate change and social innovation.” He said, “R&D culture where researchers make continuous attempts and close cooperation between private and public sectors are necessary.” He also stressed that “we should also focus on nurturing global talents who will lead the future.”


Invitation letter


