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[The 163rd KISTEP Wednesday Forum] K-content, game-changing culture technology and global expansion strategy

  • Writer KISTEP
  • Date2023-12-10
  • Hit285

BTS, "Parasite", "Squid Game", "Battleground", "Only I Level Up"... From music to webtoons, Korean content (K-content) is loved around the world. Meanwhile, as the digital transformation takes place with the emergence of cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence and metaverse, new consumption types and problems are also appearing in the content market. What strategies and policies are needed for K-content to remain competitive in the next-generation global content market? The forum served as an opportunity to discuss ways to foster culture technology (CT), which will become a new game changer.


Byung-Seon Jeong the President of KISTEP

Byung-Seon Jeong the President of KISTEP


In the opening speech, President Byeong-seon Jeong said, “It is time to consider establishing strategic goals for culture technology and the direction of systematic support in order to further strengthen the status and competitiveness of K-content, which is loved globally.” “To strengthen competitiveness, efforts at the national level are needed, such as fostering creative talent and introducing game-changing technologies,” he added.


Ki-heon Kim, Director at the Korea Creative Content Agency (KOCCA)

Ki-heon Kim, Director at the Korea Creative Content Agency (KOCCA)


Ki-heon Kim, director at the Korea Creative Content Agency (KOCCA), who gave the topic presentation, assumed that securing technological competitiveness is essential to secure sustainable export competitiveness in difficult domestic and international conditions such as digital transformation, social change, global economic recession, and international disputes.


Kim introduced the case of Korea's VFX technology development, which has reached a high level in 10 years, and proposed a strategy to dominate the global market by fostering content that combines cutting-edge technologies. Specifically, he suggested the development of intelligent content, nurturing technology-based global companies through support for each growth cycle, development of global standardization technologies, and rapid response to copyright.


Seung-su Jun, Director General of the Office of National R&D Coordination at KISTEP

Seung-su Jun, Director General of the Office of National R&D Coordination at KISTEP


In the panel discussion presided over by Seung-su Jun (Director General of the Office of National R&D Coordination, KISTEP), two experts including Taegeun Kim, CEO of Cubixell Co., Ltd. (Professor at Sejong University), and Sung-Hee Lee (Professor at KAIST Graduate School of Culture Technology) participated to diagnose the current status of K-content and discuss ways to support culture technology R&D.


Taegeun Kim, CEO of Cubixell Co., Ltd., and Sung-Hee Lee, Professor at KAIST Graduate School of Culture Technology

Taegeun Kim, CEO of Cubixell Co., Ltd., and Sung-Hee Lee, Professor at KAIST Graduate School of Culture Technology


Taegeun Kim said that in modern times, added value was created by maximizing efficiency, but in post-modern times, the source of added value has changed to creativity, and argued that culture should be viewed from the perspective of industry and technology and policy support should be strengthened. He also suggested that since Korea also has the capacity to create original content, it should strive to develop technology and create conditions for one-source multi-use.


Sung-Hee Lee said that while technological development in the past was aimed at satisfying urgent physiological needs, culture technology is related to the needs that are essential for humans to live as human beings, such as gaining respect and self-realization. It was proposed to increase added value by combining culture technology with the overall chain of content creation, enjoyment, and distribution.


In the discussion that followed, a wide range of discussions took place on various fields, including the direction of government research and development investment, capacity building and cooperation plans for each research entity, professional manpower development plans, and intellectual property (IP) protection plans. Detailed information can be viewed again on the KISTEP YouTube channel.

