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News & Event

Battogtokh Dorjgotov, Director General of Ministry of Education and Science, Mongolia, visited KISTEP

  • Writer KISTEP
  • Date2023-12-10
  • Hit292

On Wednesday, October 18, KISTEP discussed its main functions and Korea's S&T policy planning and evaluation system with a delegation from the Ministry of Education and Science, Mongolia. This visit was designed to share the background and role of KISTEP's establishment, the overall national S&T policy planning and evaluation system, and to explore future ways to cooperate in the field of S&T policy between Korea and Mongolia.

Byung-Seon Jeong, President of KISTEP, and Battogtokh Dorjgotov, Director General of the Ministry of Education and Science, Mongolia

△ Byung-Seon Jeong, President of KISTEP, and Battogtokh Dorjgotov, Director General of the Ministry of Education and Science, Mongolia

KISTEP invited the delegation consisting of Dr. Battogtokh Dorjgotov and Dr. Ochir Altansukh of the National University of Mongolia to introduce △ KISTEP's functions and main activities △ national S&T planning, coordination and evaluation system and △ institutional evaluation procedures and KISTEP's roles.

Dr. Battogtokh Dorjgotov said, “Mongolia has not enacted laws related to S&T, so the institutional foundation for S&T support is insufficient, and there is no institution dedicated to S&T planning, coordination, and evaluation like KISTEP.” He added that he would like to use KISTEP as a model for establishing an organization dedicated to S&T policy in Mongolia. KISTEP plans to seek ways to cooperate in the future to transfer know-how related to S&T policy establishment and evaluation.

Commemorative photo

△ Commemorative photo

