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News & Event
President of KISTEP won Korea STI Award
- Writer KISTEP
- Date2023-12-10
- Hit339
KISTEP won the 2nd Korea Science and Technology Innovation Award from Korean Society for Innovation Management and Economics (KOSIME), a representative S&T policy society. On November 3, KOSIME held a forum commemorating its 31st anniversary and the 2nd Korea Technology Innovation Awards/Science and Technology Innovation Awards ceremony at KOFST. The events were organized by KOSIME and sponsored by the Ministry of Science and ICT and the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.
The topic of this 31st anniversary forum was "The importance of global leadership for technology hegemony leading the AI era," and it served as an opportunity to award representative academicians/entrepreneurs, and public institutions/private companies that led domestic technological innovation during the year and to honor their contributions to STI. President Byung-Seon Jeong received the Minister of Science and ICT Award (Entrepreneur category) in recognition of his contribution to accelerating KISTEP's digital transformation and raising the institution's R&D and policy analysis capabilities to a global level.
△ Byoung-Ho Son, Vice President of KISTEP, received the award on behalf of the president.
President Jeong said, “I would like to thank the members of KISTEP who willingly participated in the difficult change called the digital transformation. With this award, we will work harder toward the goal of becoming a global-level think tank that can always present solutions and analyses that are one step ahead of a mountain of problems such as competition for technology hegemony, global supply chains, and economic security.”
△ President Byung-Seon Jeong and Vice President Byoung-Ho Son
△ President Byung-Seon Jeong