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President Byung-Seon Jeong Participated in the OECD CSTP Ministerial Meeting

  • Writer KISTEP
  • Date2024-07-05
  • Hit416

KISTEP President Byung-Seon Jeong attended the OECD CSTP Ministerial Meeting held at the OECD Headquarters in Paris, France from April 21 to 26.

The OECD GSF Ministerial-Level Symposium discussed the development of international scientific cooperation over the past 25 years, research infrastructure and international cooperation to solve complex challenges, and research infrastructure as a catalyst for global and comprehensive scientific cooperation. President Byung-Seon Jeong presented case studies on Korea’s research infrastructure projects, highlighting their role as platforms to enhance global networking and foster active cooperation in the realm of R&D. He also emphasized the importance of utilizing advanced AI tools for more effective data process and sharing, thereby promoting open data and open science initiatives.

OECD GSF Ministerial-Level Symposium

The OECD Multistakeholder high-level Dialogue focused on the establishment of S&T policies for the future, open science for social benefit, and S&T talent development. President Byung-Seon Jeong introduced Korea’s endeavors to cultivate and nurture talents in national strategic technology fields. He also presented policy measures aimed at attracting diverse talents to these domains and emphasized the importance of implementing a specialized data analysis system for human resources in S&T.

OECD Multistakeholder high-level Dialogue

In addition, during the meeting with UNESCO, KISTEP shared its cooperation experiences with ISTIC, the international STI center under the auspices of UNESCO, to organize KISTEP-ISTIC STI training program. Furthermore, ideas for future collaboration between KISTEP and UNESCO were actively discussed.

meeting with UNESCO

Group photo

